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Contact Clay Engineering
Services Offered
William “Bill” Clay, PE founded Clay Engineering, PLLC in 2018. Bill’s knowledge of MEP systems as well as other design and construction trades makes Clay Engineering the premier coordination partner for any design team. Whether your project construction budget is $20,000 or $200 million. Read More
About Clay Engineering
Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699
Clay Engineering PLLC | 252 Graham Forney, Texas 75126 | Tel: 214-924-3699 | eMail:

Copyright 2020

When we make commitments to our clients, we will do whatever it takes to meet them. Surprises are not welcome or appreciated in the design and construction industry. We understand that the MEP engineering is just a small part in the process of creating a building. Student housing projects cannot afford to complete construction two months behind schedule, or building owners will be paying to house students elsewhere when the semester begins. Perhaps you need to have a permit in hand to secure funding for construction — for which site work has already started. Maybe the structural engineer needs an absolute minimum of 2 weeks to complete their plans AFTER receipt of all MEP equipment locations and weights. There might be a conflict in the field that needs in-person evaluation, and delaying a resolution will hold up other trades, delaying the entire project. No matter what stage of the project, Clay Engineering will need to agree to a scope and schedule. In negotiating these terms, Clay Engineering will never promise something that we are not extremely confident we can deliver. When we make commitments, we we do what it takes to meet them.

Honor Commitments Made

An engineer’s primary obligations are as follows: Ensure the safety of the public Be objective and honest Act as a faithful agent to their client In that order. To identify the “right thing” in each situation requires balancing construction costs, schedule, aesthetics, safety, functionality, energy efficiency, flexibility, marketability, serviceability, and durability. We understand that conflicts arise during design, construction, and even occupancy. When they do, Clay Engineering proudly takes on the responsibility to notify, educate, and advise our clients. Then work with our design team partners to reach the best overall solution—the right thing for the project.
Alway Do The Right Thing
There are many traits of a good consultant that appeal to any given client: responsiveness, attentiveness, good communication skills, competitive fees, etc. While a good mix of these is important, at Clay Engineering, we believe that the single most important thing is delivering the work that is completed to the best of our ability. The people who will later occupy the building are depending on the engineer to design a building that is safe. The contractors are depending on the engineer to convey all necessary information on the plans as clearly as possible. Lastly, the building owner/builder is paying for service—the only tangible product of which is construction documents. Clay Engineering is committed to ensuring that every client gets their money’s worth on paper.
Provide Quality Work
Provide Quality Work Always Do The Right Thing Honor Commitments Made It doesn't matter what staff you have, the market you serve, or fee you charge, etc. Following these three basic principles is a prerequisite for any successful business.

Philosophy Services

Clay Engineering | MEP Engineering Services | Dallas Texass | 214-924-3699
Tell us about your project
Contact Clay Engineering
Services Offered
William “Bill” Clay, PE founded Clay Engineering, PLLC in 2018. Bill’s knowledge of MEP systems as well as other design and construction trades makes Clay Engineering the premier coordination partner for any design team. Whether your project construction budget is $20,000 or $200 million. Read More
About Clay Engineering
Clay Engineering PLLC | 252 Graham Forney, Texas 75126 | Tel: 214-924-3699

Copyright 2020

Contact Clay Engineering | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699

Honor Commitments Made

An engineer’s primary obligations are as follows: Ensure the safety of the public Be objective and honest Act as a faithful agent to their client In that order. To identify the “right thing” in each situation requires balancing construction costs, schedule, aesthetics, safety, functionality, energy efficiency, flexibility, marketability, serviceability, and durability. We understand that conflicts arise during design, construction, and even occupancy. When they do, Clay Engineering proudly takes on the responsibility to notify, educate, and advise our clients. Then work with our design team partners to reach the best overall solution—the right thing for the project.

Alway Do The Right Thing

There are many traits of a good consultant that appeal to any given client: responsiveness, attentiveness, good communication skills, competitive fees, etc. While a good mix of these is important, at Clay Engineering, we believe that the single most important thing is delivering the work that is completed to the best of our ability. The people who will later occupy the building are depending on the engineer to design a building that is safe. The contractors are depending on the engineer to convey all necessary information on the plans as clearly as possible. Lastly, the building owner/builder is paying for service—the only tangible product of which is construction documents. Clay Engineering is committed to ensuring that every client gets their money’s worth on paper.

Provide Quality Work

When we make commitments to our clients, we will do whatever it takes to meet them. Surprises are not welcome or appreciated in the design and construction industry. We understand that the MEP engineering is just a small part in the process of creating a building. Student housing projects cannot afford to complete construction two months behind schedule, or building owners will be paying to house students elsewhere when the semester begins. Perhaps you need to have a permit in hand to secure funding for construction for which site work has already started. Maybe the structural engineer needs an absolute minimum of 2 weeks to complete their plans AFTER receipt of all MEP equipment locations and weights. There might be a conflict in the field that needs in-person evaluation, and delaying a resolution will hold up other trades, delaying the entire project. No matter what stage of the project, Clay Engineering will need to agree to a scope and schedule. In negotiating these terms, Clay Engineering will never promise something that we are not extremely confident we can deliver. When we make commitments, we we do what it takes to meet them.
Provide Quality Work Always Do The Right Thing Honor Commitments Made It doesn't matter what staff you have, market you serve, or fee you charge, etc. Following these three basic principles is a prerequisite for any successful business.


Clay Engineering | 214-924-3699 | MEP Engineering Services