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Contact Clay Engineering
Services Offered
William “Bill” Clay, PE founded Clay Engineering, PLLC in 2018. Bill’s knowledge of MEP systems as well as other design and construction trades makes Clay Engineering the premier coordination partner for any design team. Whether your project construction budget is $20,000 or $200 million. Read More
About Clay Engineering
Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699
Clay Engineering PLLC | 252 Graham Forney, Texas 75126 | Tel: 214-924-3699 | eMail:

Copyright 2020

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is probably the most subjective, customizable, and coordination-intensive trades in the design of a building.   •	A basic HVAC design must evaluate the building construction, local climate, and occupant schedules and activities to determine the psychrometric needs of each space in the building.   •	A good HVAC design incorporates a mix of technologies available to provide optimal temperature and humidity control to each thermal zone. •	A great HVAC design addresses not only the indoor comfort, but also the serviceability and energy usage/costs.   •	An exceptional HVAC design accomplishes all of the above while coordinating seamlessly with the structural and aesthetic elements of the building, as well as the construction budget. Clay Engineering takes a proactive approach to every project from the very first meeting.  We communicate with the client to clearly identify their wants, needs, obligations, limitations, and motivations with each building.  Based on this feedback—and other governing constructibility factors—, we provide recommendations for system type(s) best-suited for the project.

Mechanical Services

Clay Engineering | MEP Engineering Services | Dallas Texass | 214-924-3699
Tell us about your project
Contact Clay Engineering
Services Offered
William “Bill” Clay, PE founded Clay Engineering, PLLC in 2018. Bill’s knowledge of MEP systems as well as other design and construction trades makes Clay Engineering the premier coordination partner for any design team. Whether your project construction budget is $20,000 or $200 million. Read More
About Clay Engineering
Clay Engineering PLLC | 252 Graham Forney, Texas 75126 | Tel: 214-924-3699

Copyright 2020

Contact Clay Engineering | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is probably the most subjective, customizable, and coordination-intensive trades in the design of a building.   •	A basic HVAC design must evaluate the building construction, local climate, and occupant schedules and activities to determine the psychrometric needs of each space in the building.   •	A good HVAC design incorporates a mix of technologies available to provide optimal temperature and humidity control to each thermal zone. •	A great HVAC design addresses not only the indoor comfort, but also the service ability and energy usage/costs.   •	An exceptional HVAC design accomplishes all of the above while coordinating seamlessly with the structural and aesthetic elements of the building, as well as the construction budget. Clay Engineering takes a proactive approach to every project from the very first meeting.  We communicate with the client to clearly identify their wants, needs, obligations, limitations, and motivations with each building.  Based on this feedback—and other governing constructibility factors—, we provide recommendations for system type(s) best-suited for the project.

Mechanical Services

Clay Engineering | 214-924-3699 | MEP Engineering Services