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William “Bill” Clay, PE founded Clay Engineering, PLLC in 2018. Bill’s knowledge of MEP systems as well as other design and construction trades makes Clay Engineering the premier coordination partner for any design team. Whether your project construction budget is $20,000 or $200 million. Read More
About Clay Engineering
Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Clay Engineering Dallas Texas | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699
Clay Engineering PLLC | 252 Graham Forney, Texas 75126 | Tel: 214-924-3699 | eMail:

Copyright 2020

Energy modeling is the art and science of using specialized software to simulate the performance of a proposed building.  We model the building as precisely as possible, down to the occupant schedules and local utility rates, to provide an estimated energy usage and cost analysis.  This information provides Clay Engineering the ability to make large-scale design recommendations.   •	Would the payback period be less for upgrading fluorescent lighting to LED or increase the efficiency rating for the HVAC equipment? •	Would the HVAC energy costs be less with gas heat, electric heat, or gas-fired hot water plus electric pump energy? •	What would the payback period be for a high-efficiency gas-fired boiler plant instead of individual electric water heaters spread throughout the building? •	These are all common questions, and all could be answered via an energy model.  Energy modeling is the best, most comprehensive form of value engineering for any project.  Energy Auditing provides engineering feedback for an existing occupied building.  We start by visiting the site to analyze the systems in place, and provide a report of our findings.  Based on the wants/needs of the building owner, Clay Engineering can make simple recommendations of how to improve building performance and/or efficiency.  The best way to make these recommendations is by modeling the building.  We use past real-world utility bills and occupant information to model the building, matching the energy usage of the simulation to the actual building within a tight margin of error.  In many cases, performing the energy model will identify failing equipment that is not performing up to it’s labeled capacity or efficiency.  With this model, we provide a report with multiple recommendations for system or component replacements.

Energy Services

Clay Engineering | MEP Engineering Services | Dallas Texass | 214-924-3699
Tell us about your project
Contact Clay Engineering
Services Offered
William “Bill” Clay, PE founded Clay Engineering, PLLC in 2018. Bill’s knowledge of MEP systems as well as other design and construction trades makes Clay Engineering the premier coordination partner for any design team. Whether your project construction budget is $20,000 or $200 million. Read More
About Clay Engineering
Clay Engineering PLLC | 252 Graham Forney, Texas 75126 | Tel: 214-924-3699

Copyright 2020

Contact Clay Engineering | MEP Engineering Services | 214-924-3699 Energy modeling is the art and science of using specialized software to simulate the performance of a proposed building.  We model the building as precisely as possible, down to the occupant schedules and local utility rates, to provide an estimated energy usage and cost analysis.  This information provides Clay Engineering the ability to make large-scale design recommendations.   •	Would the payback period be less for upgrading fluorescent lighting to LED or increase the efficiency rating for the HVAC equipment? •	Would the HVAC energy costs be less with gas heat, electric heat, or gas-fired hot water plus electric pump energy? •	What would the payback period be for a high-efficiency gas-fired boiler plant instead of individual electric water heaters spread throughout the building? •	These are all common questions, and all could be answered via an energy model.  Energy modeling is the best, most comprehensive form of value engineering for any project. Energy Auditing provides engineering feedback for an existing occupied building.  We start by visiting the site to analyze the systems in place, and provide a report of our findings.  Based on the wants/needs of the building owner, Clay Engineering can make simple recommendations of how to improve building performance and/or efficiency.  The best way to make these recommendations is by modeling the building.  We use past real-world utility bills and occupant information to model the building, matching the energy usage of the simulation to the actual building within a tight margin of error.  In many cases, performing the energy model will identify failing equipment that is not performing up to it’s labeled capacity or efficiency.  With this model, we provide a report with multiple recommendations for system or component replacements.

Energy Services

Clay Engineering | 214-924-3699 | MEP Engineering Services